This slender Lenovo S930 smartphone is substantially packed with 8M autofocus camera with LED flash and can take high a speed bursts of up to 99 in-a-row.

The Lenovo S930 surprisingly has a whole host of features for android photo enthusiast, from Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection and even HDR capability.

Photo and Video Specs

Rear Camera : 8MP auto-focus
Flash: LED flash
Front Camera : 1.6MP fixed-focus front camera
Resolution: 8 MP
Features : Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, HDR

Other Specs

BatteryType : 3000 mAh (Li-polymer), embedded
System Memory : 1GB RAM
Built-in Storage Memory: 8GB
Processor : MediaTek 6582 1.3GHz Quad Core
Operating System: Android™ 4.2 Jelly Bean , upgradable to version 4.4 (Kit Kat).


Empower your Android Phone to capture breathtaking photographs and video clips.Cyber-shot  QX100 is the world’s first pro-grade lens and sensor combo that clips to your smartphone.  It’s a dream come true for lovers of Andorid Photography.

Now you can shoot breathtaking, DSLR-quality pics and instantly share them in your social media . , This innovative camera captures beautifully defocused backgrounds for that professional look you crave.


  • 1.0 type 20.2MP Exmor R™ CMOS image sensor
  • F1.8 Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* lens with 3.6x optical zoom
  • BIONZ Image Processing Engine
  • NFC and Wi-Fi
  • Bundled with Smartphone Attachment
  • SLR-style control ring
I’m really excited to share this interview  with Katie Cowden, a very creative Austin Based Photographer, Painter, Laser and Textile Artist.

Her blog, is a melting pot of different artistry – reflecting both  the artisan craftsmanship and visual knowledge in photography.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a freelance artist in Austin, TX. I work primarily in photography, jewelry design, laser cutting, painting and embroidery.

How did your Android Photography journey begin?
I started off just taking pictures of whatever art I was working on because I was too impatient to get out my DSLR and then edit a photo. I still do that, but I also really enjoy photographing things I see on my walks around town or to my studio, or some of the gorgeous people I know and then editing on my phone. There’s definitely something great about the instant gratification.

What Android Phone are you using right now?
I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S4. My old phone was a wreck and I walked into the store last spring and said “give me the Android camera with the best camera”. I love it.

Let’s talk about photo apps. Are there any apps that you use for taking photos besides the native camera app
VSCOcam is one of my favorites for editing, along with Snapseed. I just discovered LittlePhoto and have been having a lot of fun playing with the double exposure settings. Instagram is my favorite app for sharing photos, I post a lot of updates from my studio desk. The community there is so wonderful.

Any Website or Links to your sample works? is my blog. On Instagram I’m katiecowden. on Etsy
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name’s Jaina. From the UK. Very much an amateur/hobbyist photographer. I love to take photos. Whether they’re any good though… well that’s a whole other thing!

Photography is a hobby of mine, whether I’m taking photos with my camera or phone. Also really enjoy film and TV. Probably watch far too many TV shows than I should be doing.

Every year I try to watch 100 films in a year. Haven’t successfully done this since, I think, 2008! I do get pretty close every year though.

How did your Android Photography journey begin?
My first Android phone was an HTC Desire a few years back, when it was first released. I happily took snapshots that I shared online. But I think it wasn’t until I downloaded Vignette, to edit photos, that I started to get more into taking photos with my phone. It grew from there really.

Back in 2010 I did a 365 project, mostly with my DSLR. Subsequent years I’ve tried to do others, but always failed. This year, I’m trying again, but quite happily taking photos with my phone. That common phrase comes to mind, “The best camera is the one you have on you.”.

What Android Phone are you using right now?
The 1st gen Nexus 4.

Let’s talk about photo apps. Are there any apps that you use for taking photos besides the native camera app?
I mainly use the native camera app to take photos and make edits. It’s surprisingly good and the ability to make changes to the colour levels is really useful! Snapseed is my second go to app for editing photos.

Any Website or Links to your sample works?
I regularly post photos on my blog –, G+ – and on my flickr –

With the current prices of Android Phones, Android Photography is inevitably the first path before venturing  into high end DSLR.  As a newbie, It’s easy to blame our Android Phones  if our images aren’t as nice as  others photo , but by following a few guidelines you can improve the quality of your photos
Keep these 3 easy tips in mind next time you head out to capture the world around you
1. Composition - Basically “Composition” is a placement of relative objects and elements in a work of art. In Android Photography, you should evaluate the scene, then you should be able to understand and pre-visualize how your subject will look like.
Enable your Phone’s camera grid. Similar to a tic-tac-toe grid of lines, it will help you compose well if you want to be guided by the Rule-of-Thirds
2. Lighting - The most basic and essential part of photography is lighting. Learning how lighting works will help you take control of your camera, and take better photos.
Always be aware of the type, quality and direction of the lighting in your scenery. Remember photography is based on light. Pay attention to how much light you have and where it is coming from when taking your photos.
Experiment, experiment and experiment with light.
3.  Study - Get that ‘professionally look out of your photos by mimicking the composition, exposure and other technique of others.  Look at a lot of photographs, all the time.
Get ideas. Get inspired.
It’s easy to take hundreds of photos in a few hours when shooting digitally.  Learn from your mistakes and learn from the masters.

OK, most of us are not professional photographers.  Even using great apps and high end camera phones might not be the trick to have that perfect selfie.   By the way the essence of selfie is capturing our moment without the help of other people  making it more difficult.
But with a bit of our tip  and with your common sense, you might capture that perfect selfie.
1. Check your Light source: Remember, photography is all about light.   Selfie needs to a have good lighting and try to stand facing your light source. Natural  warm light is the best! Late afternoon or early morning is the ideal time for that warm light source.
Selfie Experiment: Try to take selfie photos in your car or near your window.  But limit camera flash. 
2. Check your background: Stop that bathroom selfie, unless you want your selfie featured in 9gag,  make one with a dirty toilet.
Remember, you’re doing a selfie … avoid visual distractions behind you.  If you want to take photos in your home, try to use a  plain colored wall, or try to look for uncluttered areas.  Avoid photo-bomber; a dog, a naked guy, even posters and other stuff.  Doing travel selfie is also a great way to document things -  the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty or the Grand Canyon in the background is definitely good.
Selfie Experiment: Make nature your background, a green colored grass or  an old brick walls.
3. Check your perfect angles : The good news is , in digital age we can delete not so good photos – so experiment with different angles. Or you can check the front of the mirror to determine your best angle.   The right angle is different for everybody , for your initial angle exploration , try to shoot slightly above your head with your head tilted.
Selfie Experiment: Hold your phone high above your head and away from you at a 45 degree angle
Now arm with Selfie knowledge, you might want to balance the act of being a model and a photographer. 

Since the beginning of photography, black and white has been a very dramatic medium. Photographs are timeless and more artistic. For the  beginners in Android Photography, here are my 3 basic tips
1. Shoot in Raw - It takes time to develop an eye for mono. We might want to visualize first, but lets leave that to the expert.  Most photographer shoot in color and mono treatment is done during post processing.  However, simply applying “Black and White” effects to your current phone will do the trick.
Remember some subjects lend themselves to color but are not nearly so effective in black and white.  Try to look the world in mono first using your Android Phone.

Later, when you learn to see in black and white without the effects, you’ll easily pick out the subjects that are perfect for black and white photography.
2. Enhance Light and Shadows . Pay attention to shadows and highlights which will become a feature of your shot. Use light to enhance impact, it will  help you bring out  drama in your subject.

A case in point, portraits often look stronger in black and white because light or shadows always enhance the  character and expression of the subject.
3. Look for Shape, texture and form. Composition is the process of putting different elements that are important in a photograph. With the absence of color!  structure, form and texture  become more important.
Look for shapes. Shapes cast shadows that bring out the shape of a subject.
Look for texture. Exploits the depth and ruggedness of the subject’s texture, many objects and surfaces have interesting textures that give additional effect.
 Look for form. This means you need to train yourself to look for forms  in your frame as points of interest. Without the distraction of color, the emphasis is the form.
Summer photo is so much fun,  the outdoors are extremely enjoyable! Vibrant color, beaches, fancy summer food, bikinis, and a dozen summer activities that will give fantastic photographic opportunities.

So for more interesting summer photos, here are my tips.
1. Capture the vivid colors of summer.  Always look up – search for summer colors; red, blue and green shades. Try to capture the crisp colored details of your subject , but always remember to off-center your main subject.  Capture that unforgettable summer kaleidoscope scope combination of colors.
2. Use the natural sunlight- It is widely acknowledged by the professional photographer that the best natural lighting occurs around sunrise and sunset.  Experiment using any natural light sources (sun, campfire, moon). You could play around with images at different times of the day and with different light sources. Remember, you are using your android phone which means , taking those shots is virtually free and no charge at all.
3. Capture fun emotions - Camera phones are great for candid shooting. Try to focus  on your subjects’ faces. That is where they show their personalities.  But always bring the “Fun” emotions during summer photo shoot.
For more tips visit

Android Camera : Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100
Apps : Built in Camera
Shooting mode: Single Shoot
Effects: None
Scene Mode: None
Exposure Value: -1.5
White Balance: Auto
Metering : Center - weight
Post-processing: Picassa

Android Camera : Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100
Apps : Built in Camera
Shooting mode: Single Shoot
Effects: None
Scene Mode: None
Exposure Value: -1.5
White Balance: Auto
Metering : Center - weight
Post-processing: GIMP 2

Android Camera : Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100
Apps : Built in Camera
Shooting mode: Single Shoot
Effects: None
Scene Mode: None
Exposure Value: -1.5
White Balance: Auto
Metering : Center - weight
Post-processing: GIMP 2

Android Camera : Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100
Apps : Built in Camera
Shooting mode: Single Shoot
Effects: None
Scene Mode: None
Exposure Value: -1.5
White Balance: Auto
Metering : Center - weight
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