Interview With Android Photographer Jaina Mistry

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name’s Jaina. From the UK. Very much an amateur/hobbyist photographer. I love to take photos. Whether they’re any good though… well that’s a whole other thing!

Photography is a hobby of mine, whether I’m taking photos with my camera or phone. Also really enjoy film and TV. Probably watch far too many TV shows than I should be doing.

Every year I try to watch 100 films in a year. Haven’t successfully done this since, I think, 2008! I do get pretty close every year though.

How did your Android Photography journey begin?
My first Android phone was an HTC Desire a few years back, when it was first released. I happily took snapshots that I shared online. But I think it wasn’t until I downloaded Vignette, to edit photos, that I started to get more into taking photos with my phone. It grew from there really.

Back in 2010 I did a 365 project, mostly with my DSLR. Subsequent years I’ve tried to do others, but always failed. This year, I’m trying again, but quite happily taking photos with my phone. That common phrase comes to mind, “The best camera is the one you have on you.”.

What Android Phone are you using right now?
The 1st gen Nexus 4.

Let’s talk about photo apps. Are there any apps that you use for taking photos besides the native camera app?
I mainly use the native camera app to take photos and make edits. It’s surprisingly good and the ability to make changes to the colour levels is really useful! Snapseed is my second go to app for editing photos.

Any Website or Links to your sample works?
I regularly post photos on my blog –, G+ – and on my flickr –
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