3 Black and White Photography Tips

Since the beginning of photography, black and white has been a very dramatic medium. Photographs are timeless and more artistic. For the  beginners in Android Photography, here are my 3 basic tips
1. Shoot in Raw - It takes time to develop an eye for mono. We might want to visualize first, but lets leave that to the expert.  Most photographer shoot in color and mono treatment is done during post processing.  However, simply applying “Black and White” effects to your current phone will do the trick.
Remember some subjects lend themselves to color but are not nearly so effective in black and white.  Try to look the world in mono first using your Android Phone.

Later, when you learn to see in black and white without the effects, you’ll easily pick out the subjects that are perfect for black and white photography.
2. Enhance Light and Shadows . Pay attention to shadows and highlights which will become a feature of your shot. Use light to enhance impact, it will  help you bring out  drama in your subject.

A case in point, portraits often look stronger in black and white because light or shadows always enhance the  character and expression of the subject.
3. Look for Shape, texture and form. Composition is the process of putting different elements that are important in a photograph. With the absence of color!  structure, form and texture  become more important.
Look for shapes. Shapes cast shadows that bring out the shape of a subject.
Look for texture. Exploits the depth and ruggedness of the subject’s texture, many objects and surfaces have interesting textures that give additional effect.
 Look for form. This means you need to train yourself to look for forms  in your frame as points of interest. Without the distraction of color, the emphasis is the form.
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