Interview With Android Photographer Katie Cowden

I’m really excited to share this interview  with Katie Cowden, a very creative Austin Based Photographer, Painter, Laser and Textile Artist.

Her blog, is a melting pot of different artistry – reflecting both  the artisan craftsmanship and visual knowledge in photography.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m a freelance artist in Austin, TX. I work primarily in photography, jewelry design, laser cutting, painting and embroidery.

How did your Android Photography journey begin?
I started off just taking pictures of whatever art I was working on because I was too impatient to get out my DSLR and then edit a photo. I still do that, but I also really enjoy photographing things I see on my walks around town or to my studio, or some of the gorgeous people I know and then editing on my phone. There’s definitely something great about the instant gratification.

What Android Phone are you using right now?
I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S4. My old phone was a wreck and I walked into the store last spring and said “give me the Android camera with the best camera”. I love it.

Let’s talk about photo apps. Are there any apps that you use for taking photos besides the native camera app
VSCOcam is one of my favorites for editing, along with Snapseed. I just discovered LittlePhoto and have been having a lot of fun playing with the double exposure settings. Instagram is my favorite app for sharing photos, I post a lot of updates from my studio desk. The community there is so wonderful.

Any Website or Links to your sample works? is my blog. On Instagram I’m katiecowden. on Etsy
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