3 Android Photography Tips for Beginners

With the current prices of Android Phones, Android Photography is inevitably the first path before venturing  into high end DSLR.  As a newbie, It’s easy to blame our Android Phones  if our images aren’t as nice as  others photo , but by following a few guidelines you can improve the quality of your photos
Keep these 3 easy tips in mind next time you head out to capture the world around you
1. Composition - Basically “Composition” is a placement of relative objects and elements in a work of art. In Android Photography, you should evaluate the scene, then you should be able to understand and pre-visualize how your subject will look like.
Enable your Phone’s camera grid. Similar to a tic-tac-toe grid of lines, it will help you compose well if you want to be guided by the Rule-of-Thirds
2. Lighting - The most basic and essential part of photography is lighting. Learning how lighting works will help you take control of your camera, and take better photos.
Always be aware of the type, quality and direction of the lighting in your scenery. Remember photography is based on light. Pay attention to how much light you have and where it is coming from when taking your photos.
Experiment, experiment and experiment with light.
3.  Study - Get that ‘professionally look out of your photos by mimicking the composition, exposure and other technique of others.  Look at a lot of photographs, all the time.
Get ideas. Get inspired.
It’s easy to take hundreds of photos in a few hours when shooting digitally.  Learn from your mistakes and learn from the masters.
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